- Enrollment
- Classes for the dance season begin the day after Labor Day (Sept. 3rd) and run through the last week of May or the finish of our Recital.
- Studio Exclusivity Policy
- BSOB is a private dance school. To ensure the quality of our comprehensive dance program, we do not offer open classes to students who study at other studios. To maintain consistency in our students training, BSOB students are not allowed to train in other dance programs or at other studios outside of academic school of the arts.
- To avoid conflict with this policy, all outside workshops and intensives must be approved by BSOB program directors. Summer Intensives must be offered as a part of a pre-professional program and are not recommended for students younger than high school level.
- Level Placement
- Children should be placed in classes appropriate to their age as of September 1, 2024.
- If adjustments need to be made, instructors will advise the parents of a different placement.
- High School students who would like to assist with classes should fill out the Teacher Assistant Application no later than 8/20.
- Males: Male-bodied dancers may enroll in all ballet classes free-of-charge. There is a fee charged for all other styles of dance classes.
- Females: Parents must apply and submit requested information (including tax forms) to qualify. See the front desk for more information.
A limited number of work scholarships may also be available. These scholarships require that you or your student repay class time with work at the studio (weekly janitorial work, building maintenance, etc.).
- Class/Level Cancellations
- BSOB reserves the right to cancel or combine any class or level that does not have a sufficient number (at least 6) of students enrolled to support the instructor for the class.
- Attendance
- Class attendance is taken daily. Consistent attendance is very important in maintaining continual growth in technique and establishing muscle strength and muscle memory.
- Please call or email the office if your child must be absent.
- Students are encouraged to make up missed classes on their level or one level below.
- We do not refund or pro-rate tuition for missed classes.
- Tuition at Bonita’s School of Ballet is a yearly course fee broken down into 9 monthly payments for your convenience. Please be aware that monthly tuition fee remains the same regardless of weeks in the month, school vacation closings, or the number of absences in a month. Tuition for December is the same as every other month. There is no discount for the month of December.
- Injuries/Illnesses
- Any injuries or illness that occurs while at the studio must be reported the same day to a teacher or at the office.
- If a dancer must sit during class due to injury, the instructor may have them remain seated for the rest of class. This is for the safety of the dancer–if the muscles have cooled down, it is unsafe to participate in the more demanding parts of the class that come later after warm-up.
- If you are running a fever, please do not come to the studio. Please contact the studio via phone or email for the latest policy about attendance, mask use, etc.
- Arrival and Departure
- Students are not allowed in the classrooms or class doorways until invited by an instructor.
- Dancers in Level 6/7 & up should stretch, do warm-up exercises, and core-strengthening 10-15 minutes prior to class. This will build strength and flexibility to help prevent injuries.
- Dancers under the age of 12 should be accompanied by an adult until the instructor takes them into the classroom.
- Students must be picked up promptly after class. We cannot be responsible for the children after class. Please arrange for a prompt pick-up. Siblings under the age of 12 who are waiting on brothers or sisters to finish class must be accompanied by an adult.
- Please come into the building to pick up your student. Children are not allowed to wait outside or leave the premises until parents retrieve them. Please advise your child(ren) of this rule.
- Students should wear cover-ups when arriving and leaving the studio. Students may not arrive or leave in only their dance clothes.
- Dressing Rooms
- Dressing Rooms are to be used ONLY for changing clothes.
- DO NOT use restroom as a dressing room.
- Do not allow younger children or siblings to run in and out of the dressing rooms. We do not want any disturbances of others who may be changing.
- Dress Code/Hair Rules (all ages)
- Class Leotards must be worn to the appropriate classes.
- Pink tights for girls, black tights/leggings for boys.
- Shoes: Dance shoes should NOT be worn outside the building as it reduces the life of the shoes and may bring hazardous materials into the studio that can damage the floor and/or cause injuries for students.
- Ballet shoes: Pink canvas ballet shoes for girls. Boys should wear black canvas ballet shoes.
- Tap shoes should be flat black and only worn in the dance room to reduce fall risk.
- Jazz shoes should be black canvas.
- Hip Hop shoes should have a light flat, light-colored sole.
- Hair for girls should be in a neat classical ballet bun secured with plenty of hairpins and a hairnet. The hair should be pulled back into a high ponytail to create this bun–no parts are allowed. Unscented hairspray or gel is recommended. If the hair is too short for a bun, it must be pulled back neatly from face, off the neck, and secured with elastic bands or barrettes that will not fall out.
- No leg warmers or other additional clothing is allowed in class without the instructor’s permission. Dancers should speak to the instructor before class if they believe that they need to wear additional warm-ups.
- Stud pierced earrings are the ONLY jewelry allowed in class. BSOB staff is not responsible for the safe return of jewelry that must be removed after the student has entered the classroom.
- Recital
- Performance Date: May 23rd & 24th at Stanly Agri-Civic Center
- Recital Fee: $40, Due before April 1
- Recital Costume:
- $25/$50 installment due November 1 (See Registration form for more details)
- Costume balance due February
- Recital Dances are taught and rehearsed during class. We begin work on our recital choreography in February, and a great deal of rehearsal is done during the last few weeks prior to recital time. Attendance in class for the weeks prior to BSOB’s recitals/performances is required to ensure your child a place in the dance. We cannot teach dances during rehearsals, so it is important that you are there during class time.
- Dance Etiquette
- Class Etiquette
- Students must be dressed and hair properly done prior to entering class.
- Receive permission from instructor before leaving class. Restroom trips should be completed prior to class time. Students will not be allowed to leave during class except in cases of emergencies. Limit fluid consumption immediately before class.
- Students should be prepared with proper shoes, water bottle, and other classroom necessities outside of the dance room at appropriate class times. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to search the hallways, bathrooms, or dressing rooms for students.
- All students must be fully prepared in order to participate in class. Encourage your student to prepare the night before class and pack the necessary shoes, clothing, and hair supplies.
- No hanging or leaning on the barres.
- No chewing gum.
- Do not enter classroom without instructor’s permission.
- No talking or horseplay during class. Excessive misconduct may result in the parents being contacted by the studio or the instructor.
- No arguing with the instructor or complaining about class work. Negative attitudes affect the entire class.
- Studio Rules
- For safety reasons, no one will be allowed in classrooms without supervision by a BSOB staff person. Use of classrooms for rehearsals or private lessons must be approved by Mrs. Bonita in advance and be during a time that staff is available for direct supervision.
- Only staff and students allowed in classrooms. Parents and siblings should enter the classroom by invitation only and may be asked to remove their shoes to reduce damage to the floor.
- DO NOT INTERRUPT CLASS! Our teachers are instructed to continue teaching when parents stick their heads in the door to tell them something.
- Everyone waiting in the hallway should always speak QUIETLY when talking among themselves.
- No running or horseplay, which can cause injuries or disturb classes.
- Children who are not in class should not be left unattended. No children should be unattended in the parking area.
- Trashcans are provided throughout the studio—please do not litter.
- Please do not wear perfumes, scented lotions, body sprays, etc. into the studio as they aggravate many dancers and instructors allergies and sinuses.
- No street shoes in classrooms. Hip Hop shoes should not be worn outside of the studio.
- NO FOOD OR DRINKS (except water bottles).
- Dancers should bring their own water bottles to the studio. BSOB does not supply water bottles or cups for dancers.
- Late Arrival/Tardiness
- We expect our students to be prompt and ready for class.
- A student who is more than 10 minutes late should wait at the door quietly, without interrupting, and wait for the instructor to acknowledge them.
- Since a student who misses the first few class exercises runs the risk of injury by not being properly warmed up, the instructor will decide whether or not it is safe for the student to participate. The student may be asked to watch the remainder of class.
- Parents should not interrupt the class to give the instructor an explanation for their tardiness. If the instructor needs to know, the instructor will ask or contact you at an appropriate time.
- There is to be no videotaping of any class either in the classroom or from the door without permission from the instructor or school director. No dance or portion of choreography/class may be posted on any social media outlet or website without permission from the school director.
- Class Etiquette
- No Bullying Policy
- BSOB adheres to a strict no bullying policy.
- Any student who participates in name calling, threats of verbal or physical harm, or physical or emotional intimidation or harassment will be placed on probation or may face immediate dismissal.
- Students and parents concerned with student conduct should immediately contact a teacher or administrative staff member.
- Lost and Found
- BSOB is not responsible for items lost, misplaced, or left unattended in the studio. Put your name on ALL of your belongings.
- Items found at the studio at the end of the day will be place in the Lost & Found box, which is periodically donated to a charitable group.
- Holidays
- The studio will be closed for the following holidays:
- Thanksgiving—November 27-29
- Christmas—December 23-Jan 3
- Easter Break—April 21-25
- Inclement Weather Policy:
- The studio will close for inclement weather as necessary. Check our website for updates.
- As many of our staff and students are involved with Union County Youth Ballet, the class schedule for the week of their performance(s) may be minorly adjusted.
- We do not close for teacher workdays or any holidays not listed above.
- The studio will be closed for the following holidays: